Other Relationships

What are the qualities of a good friend ?

qualities of a good friend

You may have good interactions with many friends, but not all of them are good enough to share your personal space with. So you should know the qualities of a good friend, which helps you make real friends in life.

You may have good interactions with many friends. But not all are good enough to share your personal space with. So you should know the qualities of a good friend, which helps you make real friends in life.

9 Qualities of a good friend

A good friend can make your life beautiful in various ways. But before talking about the qualities of a good friend, let’s get to know what a good friend is:

Good friend

A good friend is someone with whom you can share anything, have full faith, and simply be yourself, so that friend should be real to avoid getting hurt in the future. Moreover, it’s even better to know the qualities of a good friend so that you get to see these traits in your casual friend before sharing your personal space (or before making a strong relationship with that friend).

Then, if you determine that your casual friend is worthy of becoming a close friend (while considering the qualities of a good friend), do not let them go. Because real friends are rare to find but make your life extremely enjoyable and beautiful.

What are the qualities of a good friend ?

Now, let’s check out the basic qualities of a good friend, which are listed below:


A good friend should be honest and loyal towards their friend; these are the most valuable qualities of a good friend, and they help build strong friendships. A good friend gives honest feedback and genuine advice, even if you don’t like it. And this is how their honest opinion shows you the right path.

Moreover, they don’t broadcast your weaknesses and secrets; instead, they keep them to themselves, which makes them trustworthy. If you know any of your casual friends who are honest and trustworthy, do try to improve your friendship with him or her to get a good friend for a lifetime.


A good friend never insults you or tries to change you for any reason; they just accept you the way you are, i.e., with all your strengths and weaknesses. This acceptance makes you feel good about yourself and your friendship, which makes you feel more connected and comfortable.

Due to this quality, you do not need to pretend or fake in front of a good friend. That kind of comfort is just amazing, where you can share and express anything. So always look for the qualities of a good friend in your casual friend before strengthening your bond with them.


Even though they may tease or argue with you, they still care for you, which is one of the amazing qualities of a good friend. They are always your well-wishers, and they pray for your bright future. No matter how busy they are, they are always ready to help you in every possible way.

They always stand by you on your bad days. And they do care when you get sad and stressed, and they try to make you smile with their stupid jokes or by doing something that makes you happy. Such kinds of friends are very rare to find, but they are the real ones.


A good friend is a good listener, i.e., they give you the space to express your thoughts and feelings. They genuinely care about what you want to share and talk about, i.e., about your dreams, goals, issues, plans, and many more. They genuinely love sharing and listening to their friend. Who doesn’t want that kind of comfort in friendship? So make sure you choose the friend who understands and listens to you, i.e., with whom you can share anything with the reassurance that he/she listens.


A good friend always encourages and motivates you to do better and achieve the best in life. And even the push and encouragement you’ll get from a good friend will be quite effective at making a change in you. Because deep down you know that they always support you, no matter how bad the situation is. You always had their back.


A good sense of humor is not one of the must-have qualities of a good friend, but yes, it is important to have more enjoyment and happiness in life. This characteristic is special because it helps reduce the seriousness and stress of a friendship. You can make things funnier by having a good friend with a good sense of humor.

And this also makes you enjoy your friend’s company and have more fun together. Because you don’t want to be serious all the time, even though they are quite good at other things. So it’s good to have a nice friend with a good sense of humor.


A good friend doesn’t judge you by looking at your mistakes or weaknesses. Instead, they make you realize your mistake and encourage you to make it better. That friend can make a great change in your habits, behavior, and way of handling things. In short, they don’t judge you for your wrong deeds; instead, they try to make a good change in you.


One doesn’t want to be around negative people, right? So how can you be interested in making a friend who is always negative? What kind of friend you have also has a huge impact on how you perceive things. So a good friend always stays positive and has good ethics and values, because a positive mindset is a must to build trust and loyalty in a relationship, including friendship.

Such qualities of a good friend can also make your life positive and happy, no matter how stressful it gets. But a good friend makes you think positively all the time.


As friendship is not the only relationship you have in life, a good friend understands and respects your space and boundaries. They understand you for almost every little thing and show respect for your every decision. Moreover, you don’t need to explain every little thing because they are quite understanding. Just don’t let go of such good friends from your life, as they are precious.

I hope this article helps you know the basic qualities of a good friend. So that if you have such a friend (or friends) in your life, do value and appreciate them for their existence. And put in more effort to keep your relationship with them stronger and be a good friend.