
What are the main causes of divorce?

main causes of divorce

One cannot predict the future of their relationship. But by having a little knowledge of the main causes of divorce, you can at least try to save your relationship from these issues.

In general, around 40–50% of couples in the US get divorced to end their marital relationship. This percentage gets you thinking deeply about the main causes of divorce.

You may have seen many couples who were deeply in love with each other, but they ended up getting divorced. Well, divorce is not an easy decision to take. But when you have no other option left to make your relationship work for you, then divorce or getting separated is the only option left for your happiness and well-being.

One cannot predict the future of their relationship. But having a little knowledge of the main causes of divorce can help save your relationship.

8 Main causes of divorce

Here is the list of 8 main causes of divorce:


Lack of communication is the first thing that badly affects your bond and connectivity with your partner. Because it can create misunderstandings, distance, unmet desires, and false assumptions in a relationship. And if this (i.e., open communication) gets missing in your marital relationship, then the chances of divorce are higher.

Because if you’re less open with each other, then how can you understand each other’s point of view, wishes, desires, and dreams? As a result, you end up drifting apart from each other. So this is the first and one of the main causes of divorce.


Commitment from both sides is essential to sustain your relationship for longer. If that gets missing in your relationship (even from one side) for whatever reason, then this starts creating distance between you and your partner. And with time, it can completely ruin your relationship. Even as per the study, it is also one of the main causes of divorce.

To maintain any relationship you need to put time and effort into it throughout your life, but with a lack of commitment, you tend to lose interest in putting in the effort to make that relationship work for you. And as a result, you end up drifting apart from each other. This is how it becomes the reason for badly affecting your relationship and even leading to divorce.


Infidelity, such as cheating or having an affair outside of a marriage, breaks trust and faith in a relationship. And without trust, there is nothing left in a relationship. So infidelity could also be one of the main causes of divorce. Of course, there are some issues in your relationship that make you unsatisfied with it, and you end up having an affair with someone else.

But this should not be done this way. You can either talk about the issues with your partner (to make that work for you) or end your relationship before being with someone else. Because this kind of hidden and unfaithful game could leave no other way than divorce.


Not getting your physical and sexual needs met can make you unhappy and dissatisfied with your relationship. This is also one of the main causes of divorce. Because intimacy helps you feel more connected and bound to your partner. And when that gets missing due to your busy schedule, a lack of interest in each other, or due to sexual incompatibility, then it can badly affect the connectivity in your relationship. So consider this aspect seriously if you want to save or maintain a healthy relationship.


Sometimes, incompatibility becomes the reason to end your relationship because you have little in common, enjoy each other’s company, or understand each other’s point of view. As a result, you hardly spend quality time together and even end up having more arguments and fights with your partner over every little thing.

This makes you feel unsatisfied and unhappy about your relationship. In this aspect, it’s no one’s fault; it’s just that your relationship isn’t working out for you because of incompatibility in major or most of the areas. Hence, that can lead to the end of your relationship, i.e., either marriage or just the relationship.


Love alone is not enough to make your relationship work for you in the long run, as financial compatibility plays the most important role in it. If you and your partner don’t agree on how to spend, save, and reach your financial goals, it can hurt your relationship. Because that can create more stress, arguments, and fights in a relationship, which can deteriorate it and even take it to the breaking point. Money impacts your life in many different ways, so you should talk about it with your partner. Because this is also one of the main causes of divorce.


In the phase of being addicted to anything (like alcohol, drugs, etc.), you more often forget all the other things and responsibilities, which prove the worst thing in a relationship. This addiction gives you nothing more than destruction or damage, as it’s just a waste of money, badly affects your health, increases the risk of various diseases, and even affects your mood and behavior in many ways. As a result, your whole life and relationships also get badly affected. Hence, it’s also one of the major causes of divorce.


Too many arguments can create unhappiness in a relationship. And if that becomes your routine, the day is not far off when you want to separate from your partner. Having too many arguments regularly can create frustration and stress in a relationship, resulting in you spending less time with each other. And even that can create further issues in a relationship. This is also how it becomes one of the main causes of divorce.

These are the main causes of divorce, which badly affects your relationship. Figure out the main issues in your relationship, and be serious towards resolving them. If this is not taken seriously on time, then you are left with no other option than divorce. 

To get a divorce, many people use an online platform these days (like OnlineDivorce.com) because it helps save money and is even less time-consuming. If you too feel the same and that there is nothing left in your relationship, then try using an online platform to get a divorce in an effortless way.