Other Relationships

9 Ways to improve your relationship with your boss

improve your relationship with your boss

Looking for ways to improve your relationship with your boss? This article explores 9 easy and effective ways to increase job satisfaction, career growth and even improve your relationship with your boss.

Every relationship is different and unique in its own way, but you always have to put in effort to make it work, whether it’s a personal or professional relationship. How about a boss-employee relationship? Well, you must have a good relationship with your boss or manager, as it helps in job satisfaction and career growth.

Importance of improving your relationship with your boss

If you are good at it (i.e., building a good relationship with your boss), it helps your career growth, helps you stay happy and satisfied at the office, gives you a better chance to improve your performance and get better feedback, and many more things. So take this into account and put in the effort to improve your relationship with your boss or senior managers.

9 Ways to improve your relationship with your boss

In this article, we are going to discuss some tips that can help improve your relationship with your boss, which are listed below:


One of the first things that makes a good impression on your senior manager or boss is how dedicated you are to your work. If you are a hard-working and dedicated employee and prove it in every project, it gets easier for you to have a good relationship with your boss.

Also, take initiatives to give your best, widen your comfort zone, and better focus on the solutions to the problem. All these efforts can put you in good books, which helps improve your relationship with your boss.


One other great tip to improve your relationship with your boss is to understand his or her point of view. For that, just listen very carefully to the demands of your boss regarding the given project, the launch of a new product, the meeting with the client, or whatever the situation is. Then try to analyze the situation and put forth effort accordingly, or do what your boss wants.

Just try to put yourself in his or her shoes, and then analyze the situation accordingly. That understanding between you and your boss can help improve your relationship with him.


Make yourself so capable that you can represent your company well in front of your company’s clients. Your every little effort towards the company’s growth and reputation gets counted. So don’t miss such opportunities to improve your relationship with your boss.

Just represent it well, put forward ideas for the company’s growth, present solutions to various issues, and do your work with full dedication. All these efforts can get you closer to your boss, which helps improve your relationship.


Just make a habit of completing your task before the deadline, as this helps improve your image and builds trust among your team members, manager, and boss. Always keep your promises, and let your actions speak. That tip may sound quite basic, but it’s worth considering to build trust.

And if you become trustworthy, then nothing can stop you from becoming your boss’s favorite. Just don’t fake anything and speak up about what you mean. So be trustworthy to improve your relationship with your boss.


In general, bosses and managers do not seek assistance until they are hopelessly stuck. So better, you need to take one step ahead and offer help and assistance to your boss. And if you can well manage that situation, bingo! You will greatly impress your boss.

Moreover, this is a wonderful opportunity to prove your capability and versatility, which also increases your chances of getting a promotion. So take advantage of such opportunities to improve your relationship with your boss.


Not only should you be nice to your manager and boss, but you should also have a good work ethic, which means you should be dedicated, on time, consistent, work on yourself, and always do your best. By following the traits of good work ethics, you can go far in your career.

Just make sure you have a good work ethic as part of your personality. The more you practice and follow them, the more you become the most valuable employee in your team. Thereby helping improve your relationship with your boss.


Undoubtedly, many employees hesitate to ask for feedback from their boss, but don’t be one of them. Because by getting feedback from your boss, you get to know where you are doing well and where you need improvement as per their point of view. Then it gets easier for you to work on your weak points to broaden your capabilities.


Transparency and honesty towards your work and ethics make a good impact on your manager and boss, i.e., if you’ll be unable to do some specific task, not able to deliver it on a specific time, or have any doubts, better discuss it in advance. And one more thing: don’t cheat, and stay loyal to your company’s insights and projects. Like: if you are handling some private project of the company, don’t leak a single piece of information.

So do as they say, i.e., stay loyal to your work and company. This is how you can use your loyalty and honesty to build a good relationship with your boss.


Apart from your hard work, loyalty, and dedication towards your work, it’s really important how you behave with your colleagues, manager, and boss. Sometimes, you may not like your boss, but you should always talk nicely and respect your boss. And you should also know when and how to talk with your boss. With good communication skills, you can impress your boss, and this helps improve your relationship with your boss.