
Things to consider while leaving the country after divorce

leaving the country after divorce

Are you planning to leave the country after divorce? Let’s talk about some important aspects that you should know while leaving the country after divorce.

This article helps you consider things while leaving the country after divorce—when no kids are involved and when kids are involved. So keep scrolling down!

Leaving the country after divorce when you have no children

Moving out of the country after divorce when you have no children is less complicated than when you have children. In such cases, you can go wherever you want to without any court’s permission or from your ex-partner.

Read More: 8 Tips to heal after divorce

But that doesn’t mean you have nothing to consider while leaving the country. That may also come with some complications, like incomplete legal formalities, what to do with the joint property, etc. You need to be careful, as leaving the country is a big decision.

List of things to consider while leaving the country after divorce (with no children):

1. Check if all legal formalities have been completed

Make sure all the legal formalities regarding asset division between you and your ex-spouse, the sale of your house (if you want to), or signing any other important documents as per the agreement are completed. It’s important to consider this point while leaving the country after divorce, because if you miss any of those legal formalities, it can create complications.

2. Good to consult an attorney

It’s also a wise decision to consult your attorney if you have a plan to move out of the country. They guide you if there are any missing legal formalities as per the agreement or if there is any clause in your agreement that can stop you from leaving the country (as per your case or state law). Having guidance from your attorney can clear up your queries.

3. Make a plan

Always remember that leaving the country gets heavy on finances, so don’t forget to plan for it properly. Make sure to consider the rent or cost of a new house in the place you want to shift, travel expenses, taxes, etc. Planning proves helpful to relocate to a new place conveniently.

4. Get the help of your friends or family

Leaving the country is easier said than done; you may need someone’s support or help to take that step. So that’s what your loved ones are for; get their help for guidance, support, suggestions, packing, and much more.

Leaving the country after divorce when you have children

Now, here comes the case of leaving the country after divorce when you have children. If either parent moves out of their place or leaves the city, state, or country, the visitation schedule gets affected. Thereby, this complicates the process.

Read More: What can I do if my ex refuses visitation?

So no matter if you’re a custodial parent or a non-custodial one who wants to leave the country after divorce, you have to get permission from the court and even from the other parent’s permission.

If both parents agree on any of the parent’s moving out of the country, that parent still needs to get permission from the judge before leaving the country after divorce and even have to make changes in the child custody agreement where a new agreement with new visitation rights is specified as per the situation by considering the child’s best interest.

But if you and your ex-spouse can’t reach an agreement of your own regarding reasonable visitation rights while leaving the country after divorce, then the judge will decide that for you by considering all the factors, especially the child’s best interests. Then both parents have to follow the new child custody agreement terms and conditions.

Here are some factors that judges most often consider:

  • Reasons for leaving the country
  • How moving out of the country affects a child’s life
  • If both parents are able to obey the new agreement terms of child custody, especially the visitation schedule
  • Another factor that gets relevant as per your case

An expert attorney can make the process of leaving the country after divorce (when you have children) quite easy. They guide you on how to get approval from the judge for leaving the country after divorce as per your state’s law and your case. So don’t hesitate to get their help, because with the right approach, you can get approval easily.

I hope this article helps clear up your basic doubts regarding leaving the country after divorce in both cases, i.e., when you have no children and when you have children. This is just general information; for legal advice, consult your attorney.