Other Relationships

How to maintain a good parent-child relationship

maintain a good parent-child relationship

As a couple, you now become parents, which is quite a tough and responsible job. And to build and maintain a good parent-child relationship takes time, and the right amount of effort.

That is actually a very special relationship, and a way more important than you think. And if your bond and connection are good, it gets way easier for you to understand and give good advice to your child. Moreover, a good parent-child relationship works wonders for your child’s emotional and personality development.

If that bond is stronger, it gets even easier for your child to deal with other situations more efficiently in the future (as your child knows that someone is always there to support and guide you). So it should be the parent’s responsibility to work on it to make that relationship good enough for your child to grow and develop at their best.

Do’s and Don’ts to maintain a good parent-child relationship

Here is a list of some dos and don’ts that you should consider to maintain a good parent-child relationship and make that bond stronger:



Rather than following words, children learn more by observing, especially their parents. So, first of all, change your habits and behaviors if you want your child to follow them. So let them observe your values, behavior, and love towards your child, and then expect the same from them.

Instead of teaching your child and have an open conversation, be the one to practice this, i.e. set an example. And gradually, your child gets to grasp this as well. All these little things help build and maintain a good parent-child relationship.


Trust, honesty, and loyalty are the key attributes that make any relationship healthy, including the parent-child relationship. So always be honest with your child, mean your words, tell the truth, and keep your promises. This helps build trust and assurance in a relationship, which amazingly helps maintain a good parent-child relationship.

Never tell lies to your child, because when they find out, they may get shattered or stop believing your words. So make sure you create a great foundation to maintain a good parent-child relationship.


Kids will love your company and listen to you more appropriately if you get involved and play with them. Be at their level (as per their age), play with them, and give them a more enjoyable time. This involvement allows you to spend more time together, which helps maintain a good parent-child relationship.

And by having a strong bond with your child, you’ll let them learn a lot of things while playing with them, and that will have a huge impact on your child’s behavior and overall development. That’s what you want for your child in any context, right?


Try to be kind and approachable with your child so that they feel comfortable sharing anything with you. Also, assure them that you understand their point of view and value their opinions and wishes. That friendly environment works great to maintain a good parent-child relationship. Also, that helps you approach your child easily, and even for your child to approach you. Do involve them in some activities or decisions (as per their age) so that it gets easier for them to open up with you.


Bedtime stories are valued so much because they improve the bond between parent and child, as both you and your kid get free time at that time. And hence, you guys are most likely to spend time without any distractions. Just make it a habit or ritual and see the connectivity you experience with your kid (and even your kid for you). This way, you can spend quality time with each other, which helps improve and maintain a good parent-child relationship.



When your child is present or when you are conversing with your child, your behavior and choice of words have a significant impact on how they perceive you. Don’t use abusive language, behave rudely, or criticize your child, because that makes them fear you. And they will not express themselves or open up with you; that will even spoil your relationship with your child. So do watch out for your actions and words very carefully if you want to build a healthy relationship, including a parent-child relationship.


Ignorance is the most hurtful thing that a child feels but rarely expresses. If your child is not on your priority list, you literally will not be able to build a healthy parent-child relationship. And don’t disrespect and make fun of your child for every little thing, especially in front of others. Believe me, they get embarrassed, angry, and feel lonely, so they are most likely to misbehave with you and can’t even follow your instructions. And these things can spoil your relationship with your child.


If you set too high expectations for your child, you are more likely to compare your child with others. And that makes your child feel frustrated because there is a lot of pressure on them. This also makes them feel less valuable, which even affects their self-esteem, which in turn make it difficult for you to maintain a good parent-child relationship. So don’t compare your child with anyone else; your child is special and unique in its own way. Simply acknowledge and appreciate everyone’s efforts.


As you all know, boundaries, rules, and disciplines are important for a healthy lifestyle and a healthy relationship. But you don’t need to be so strict about them that your child has too much fear of you. You should maintain that image of being a little strict as well as friendly so that your child neither gets spoiled by pampering nor gets fearful.

These are some simple dos and don’ts that help build and maintain a good parent-child relationship. Simply follow these steps and notice the improvement in your bond with your child.