
How long do you keep divorce papers ?

How long do you keep divorce papers

After getting a divorce, many are wondering “How long do you keep divorce papers?”, “Do they have any use?” or “Can I shred my divorce papers?”. This article helps clear all your doubts regarding this.

How long do you keep divorce papers?

Divorce papers are the legal documents that specify the termination of marriage, asset division, child custody, child support, visitation rights, and much more. I know it’s tough to keep them with you, as they remind you of that tough time. So, you may wonder: Are they of any use once you get a divorce?

Some suggest keeping your divorce papers with you for at least a few years, i.e., around 6-7 years. But as per an expert’s advice, you should keep your divorce papers forever. Because if you ever need them in the future, having them in your hand saves a lot of time and harassment. Just make sure to keep them in a safe place where you have easy access. Additionally, it’s good to scan those documents and save them on your electronic device.

Many want to shred their divorce decrees, assuming they’ll no longer be needed. I know many of them will be of no use in the future, but keeping those papers in a safe place is always a good option because you never know when you will need them.

What do you need divorce papers for?

Understanding what you need those papers for actually makes you realize the importance of keeping them forever. So anyone who wants to know “How long do you keep divorce papers?”, should go through the reasons that specify the need for those papers.

Even though there are so many reasons why you need divorce documents, we’re going to discuss only a few of them, which are listed below:

For child support:

A divorce decree is one of the most important documents among all the divorce papers because it specifies everything from asset division to child custody to child support, etc. Under some circumstances, you may need a modification in child support, and a divorce decree is always needed to request it in court.

Or, if anyone needs a reference, having separation papers with you makes it easier to provide one. This is one of the biggest reasons you need to keep a divorce decree with you, at least for a few years (or forever, as per expert advice).

Tax purposes:

As you’re no longer living together, this majorly impacts your financial situation, such as asset division, child support, etc. This simply means that, for tax purposes, you need to submit some of the divorce papers, as divorce proceedings may cause delays in paying your taxes.

If you want to change your maiden name:

After getting a divorce, you may need to change or resume your maiden name. For this, you may need to show your divorce decree. Then, after knowing your intention of changing your maiden name, the judge will accept your request. Then you can change your maiden name on all other important documents, like your passport, social security card, bank accounts, etc.

For an asset’s appraisal:

Most of the asset division happens when you get a divorce. But sometimes, some assets have a maturity date, and they can’t be divided before that. In such situations, you may need to submit a divorce decree for asset division (in the future). And even for asset appraisal.

In case the other partner needs modification:

If, in the future, your ex-partner needs a modification in child custody or child support, then you may also need to submit your divorce decree to put your point in court. As the safest option, it’s good to keep those papers with you at least for a few years (or forever, as suggested by experts).

Do you need divorce papers to remarry?

Usually, for remarriage, you need to submit a divorce decree with some more information. But that requirement may vary from state to state as per the state’s law. In some states, you need to submit divorce papers to remarry. While in other states, you don’t need to submit any documentation.
So if you’re thinking of remarrying and wondering “How long do you keep divorce papers” and “Do you need divorce papers to remarry?”. Then the answer is: In some states, they’re needed to remarry, so it’s good to keep them forever.

What is the purpose of divorce records?

Divorce records are very useful and have various purposes at various times in life. They:

  • Specifies the legal ending of marriage (as signed by the judge) and prevents any issues in the future,
  • May require changing your maiden name and your marital status,
  • May require if you (or your partner) ever need a modification in child custody or child support,
  • May require remarrying, etc.

So, just like any other legal document, you should keep your divorce papers forever (as per the expert’s advice).

Can I shred my divorce papers?

Based on all the reasons discussed above, divorce decrees may be required many times in life for various purposes. So, it’s good to keep copies of those papers for at least a few years (or for a lifetime, according to experts). If you have already shredded your divorce papers, you can obtain a copy of them at any time.

How can I obtain a copy of my divorce papers?

It’s always a great idea to keep copies of divorce papers. But if you don’t have one, there is nothing to worry about. Because you can obtain a copy of those papers from the Record Office of the country (or state) where you get a divorce. By simply following their guidelines, you can obtain a copy. And after that make sure to keep it in a safe place if you ever need it in the future.

Final Words:

There is no hard-and-fast rule for how long you should keep divorce papers. Some suggest keeping them for at least a few years, while experts advice is to keep them forever because you never know when you will need them in life. Keeping divorce papers helps prevent any wastage of time and harassment if you ever need them. So it’s good to keep them with you.