Divorce & Child

Does child support increase with inflation?

Does child support increase with inflation

With every passing year, the prices of everything are increasing due to inflation. That simply means inflation has a major impact on the cost of living. Now, you may wonder “Does child support increase with inflation?”.

With every passing year, the prices of everything, i.e., from gas prices to bills to medical expenses, are increasing due to inflation. That simply means inflation has a major impact on the cost of living. Now, you may wonder “Does child support increase with inflation?“.
Well, the answer to your question depends on whether the COLA clause is in your agreement or not. Additionally, you can request a modification if your reasons are valid. This article explores these aspects in detail, so read till the end!

Let’s start with the basics to understand the answer to your question, “Does child support increase with inflation?” in a better way.

CHILD SUPPORT is the amount to  be paid regularly by the non-custodial parent to the custodial parent for the upbringing of their child after getting a divorce as per the court’s order. But with passing years, as inflation causes an increase in the price of everything, the cost of living for your child also increases. That may put you in deep thought: “Does child support increase with inflation?”, especially when you find it difficult to meet your child’s basic requirements due to inflation.

Does child support increase with inflation?

Child support does increase with inflation if there is a COLA (Cost-Of-Living Adjustment) clause in the agreement papers. The clause specifies that the child support gets modified annually depending upon the present cost of living, i.e., they consider the CPI (consumer price index) or other economic factors for the modification. They highly consider the income of the custodial parent (receiving parent) and non-custodial parent (paying parent) with increasing inflation.

In simple words, if there is a COLA clause in your agreement papers, child support will increase automatically with inflation. But if there is no such clause in your agreement papers, that will not increase automatically.

Can I request a modification?

If the COLA clause is not included in the agreement, you can request a modification in child support. Any parent can request this modification, i.e., if you’re a custodial parent getting child support and still facing financial issues in child upbringing, you can put up your request in court for the modification. And if you’re a non-custodial parent and find it difficult to pay the amount as per the court’s order due to the increasing cost of living, you can also put up your request for the modification. But make sure your reasons are valid and supported by proof.

Reasons to grant a child support modification

The reasons to grant a child support modification may vary from state to state. So it’s better to consult your attorney to clear up your doubts. In general, the following are some valid reasons under which you can request a modification to child support:

  • Increase in the cost of living (due to inflation),
  • Loss of a job,
  • Increase or decrease in income,
  • Substantial changes in a child’s needs,
  • Unable to pay temporarily due to some illness or health issue,
  • When your child needs medical treatment due to some health issue
  • If any parent remarries or has more children, etc.

Frequently asked questions about Child Support & Inflation

How does inflation increase childcare expenses?

There is a close relationship between inflation and childcare expenses because inflation impacts so many things regarding children’s expenses. That includes food, clothes, school fees, school uniforms, toys, gaming, transportation costs, medical expenses, and much more. When inflation makes it difficult for the custodial parent to meet the child’s requirements, they may look to the non-custodial parent for more financial support. And that raises the question “Does child support increase with inflation?”. The answer to this question is already discussed above.

Do living expenses affect child support?

Living expenses do not necessarily affect child support because the court makes a fair decision after considering all the aspects. But yes, if your expenses increase due to inflation and you’re unable to meet your child’s requirements, then you can request a modification. Then the court will review your case again and consider various other factors before granting the modification.

Does child support increase with age?

In general, child support doesn’t automatically increase with age. But yes, if the custodial parent proves the need to increase the child support in court, then the court may grant a child support modification after considering all the aspects. But in most states, when your child is old enough, i.e., around 18 years old, then the child support ends (but exceptions exist depending upon the state law and your circumstances).

Temporary vs. permanent modification: What’s the difference?

There are basically two types of child support modifications: temporary and permanent. The court grants either a temporary or permanent modification to child support, depending on your circumstances. If there is a temporary decrease in your income, if your child needs some specific one-time treatment, and so on, then the court grants the temporary modification. Whereas, if there are changes in income for a longer duration, having more children, remarrying, or any substantial changes, then the court grants permanent modification.

What if the non-custodial parent cannot afford the increase in child support?

If the non-custodial parent (paying parent) cannot afford the increase in child support, then they can make a request in court for the child support modification, i.e., to decrease the child support. For this, they need to show proof that they genuinely cannot afford the increase in child support. If the request is accepted, they then get to pay as per the modified amount. However, instead of skipping or delaying child support, it is necessary to request that the court modify it.

I hope this article clears up all your doubts regarding “Does child support increase with inflation?”. For further information, consult your attorney, as they can guide you in a more accurate way depending on your circumstances.