Divorce & Child

Do I need a lawyer for child support?

Do I need a lawyer for child support

Being a caring parent, you may wonder, “Do I need a lawyer for child support?”. This is a common question. Well, the answer is no; you don’t need to hire a lawyer for child support, as per the law. The rest depends on your case (or circumstances).

Child custody and child support are two of the main aspects to consider while getting a divorce. But many ask the question, “Do I need a lawyer for child support?“. Well, this article helps you get the answer, including what child support is, what child support lawyers do, when it’s a great option to hire them, and how much they cost.

By understanding these aspects, you can easily get the answer to your question, “Do I need a lawyer for child support?” depending on your circumstances. So let’s get started!


Divorce is never easy, but it gets even harder when kids are involved. And then, you not only need to focus on child’s custody but also on child support, as that’s also crucial to consider while getting a divorce. Being a caring parent, you may wonder, “Do I need a lawyer for child support?”. This is a common question. Well, the answer is no; you don’t need to hire a lawyer for child support, as per the law. The rest depends on your case (or circumstances).

But in most cases, it’s a great option. This gets even more crucial if you can’t agree on child custody and child support with your partner at your own end, i.e., if you both disagree. Then the court will decide that for you after analyzing your circumstances. Well, in that case, the lawyer helps you to a great extent.

Now, before jumping into when it’s a great option to hire one, let’s get to know what child support is, what child support lawyers do, and much more:

Child support

Child support is the amount to be paid to the custodial parent (with whom the child lives, i.e., physical custody) by the non-custodial parent to take care of the child’s needs. It’s basically the contribution of the non-custodial parent in the form of money for their child’s well-being and bright future.

While getting a divorce, if both spouses decide it themselves and the court considers it fair, they approve it. And if you disagree and can’t be at one point, then it’s completely in the judge’s hands to decide it for you after considering all the factors.

In some cases, there is actually no need for child support lawyers. Whereas in others, it’s good to hire. Your case and circumstances will determine if you need to hire one or not.

What do they do?

The lawyer will help you in various ways in your child support case, i.e.

  • Explains the state laws, your legal rights, and the procedures of child custody and support.
  • Gives you the best advice as per your case.
  • Helps to calculate and predict the amount of child support.
  • Represent and negotiate in court from your side.
  • Guides you well regarding the court’s procedure.
  • Can help you change the amount (if possible in your case), etc.

When do I need one?

Many consider hiring a lawyer to be unnecessary in a child support case. And some even consider it a waste of money. But in some cases, especially when the case goes to court, hiring a lawyer proves beneficial. And it even makes hiring worth it in the context of saving time, money, and harassment.

For this, look at the following benefits of hiring one, so as to decide when you need one:

  • In contested divorce cases, when both spouses are unable to agree on the terms of getting a divorce, including child custody, child support, etc., it’s necessary to hire an attorney.
  • Calculating the child support amount is not easy, but an attorney will make it easier for you, as they know what specific information a judge considers to calculate the child support amount.
  • If you have no idea what documents you need to gather for your child support case, then hiring a lawyer is a great option.
  • In circumstances when you need to modify child support, hiring a lawyer is the best way to come up with strong evidence in court.
  • You need to hire a lawyer when the other spouse has one.

What kind of lawyer do I need for child support?

Most family lawyers are good at handling divorce cases, including child custody and child support. They even have experience handling complicated child support cases or modifying child support. Just make sure to hire an experienced family lawyer to get best advice as per the state’s law. The best part is that they try their best to have a fair child support agreement as per your circumstances.

How much does a child support lawyer cost?

The cost a lawyer charges for child support depends on their experience, their geographical area, and your case’s complexity. Some lawyers charge flat fees, while others charge hourly fees. Other than that, they may also charge extra fees depending on how much time your case takes. For more specific details, consult a family lawyer in your state; they are just one call away.