
How long does it take to get a divorce ?

How long does it take to get a divorce

Many people have asked this question: How long does it take to get a divorce? and to get the answer, they may look at other people’s cases. Well, by doing this, you’ll not get the right answer to this question because everyone’s case is different, as is the duration of getting a divorce.

Many people have asked this question: How long does it take to get a divorce? and to get the answer, they may look at other people’s cases. Well, by doing this, you’ll not get the right answer to this question because everyone’s case is different, as is the duration of getting a divorce.

How long does it take to get a divorce?

Different factors can affect its duration, which can either speed up or slow down the process. The general answer to your query, “How long does it take to get a divorce?” is: Uncontested divorce cases take just a few months, i.e., around 3-6 months, while contested divorce cases take too many months, i.e., around 12–18 months. That period varies from case to case, depending on the complexity of your case.

Factors that affect the duration


The law of getting a divorce may vary from state to state, so get to know its terms in the state in which you are living. Because in some states, there is a mandatory waiting period. While in others, there is a specific separation period, and so on.

All these things have an impact on its duration. If you are living in a state where there is no such rule or a minimum waiting time or separation time, then your process gets processed faster as compared to the states that have such rules and terms to get a divorce.


A contested divorce means that you and your partner can’t agree on how to end your marriage and can’t come to a deal on your own. So you come to court to resolve your issues and get a divorce. In such cases, there are trials and even more court sessions, which make the whole process lengthy and even expensive.

But on the other hand, in an uncontested case, you manage to agree on the terms of getting a divorce and can make a settlement on your own, i.e., outside the courtroom. Hence, the judge just needs to go through your case to check if it’s fair, then assign you the divorce. Hence, it takes quite a bit less time.

The type of your case matters the most to knowing the answer to your question, “How long does it take to get a divorce?”. Because the time varies as per your case, i.e., if it’s contested or uncontested.


Fault-based divorce means there is a fault in your partner, which could be the reason for the end of this marital relationship. And for that, you have the proof and evidence of your blame towards your partner. Due to this, the process of getting a divorce somehow takes more time.

In the case of a no-fault divorce, there is no blaming or accusation regarding any partner, and you want the divorce just because it’s not working. This makes your case more simple, and hence you’ll get a divorce sooner as compared to filing for a fault-based divorce.


If there are more unresolved issues between you and your partner in terms of getting a divorce (i.e., property division, division of assets, child’s custody, visitation, and many more), that means your case is more complicated. As a result, it takes longer to agree on divorce terms, which lengthens the process. So how complex or simple your case is will have an impact on its duration.


If you have doubt or trust issues with your partner, like the sense that your partner is hiding assets or property from you. Then you want to conduct an investigation into that. So even in such cases, it takes more time. This is how every little thing counts and impacts its duration.

Ways to speed up the divorce process:

Some factors are in your control, while others are not. So just think calmly about which things are under your control and talk about them with your partner. Because working together can make the process faster. In general, there are some little things that you can do to speed up the process. So check out those ways, which are listed below:

  • Try to reach mutual consent on all the terms outside the courtroom and resolve all your issues in whichever way it’s possible. Then file for an uncontested or no-fault to speed up your process.
  • It is better to be transparent and honest about everything. Because this helps simplify your case and hence makes the process smooth.
  • You can also get the help of mediation to resolve your issues, which helps you save time as well as money.
  • Instead of blaming, shouting, and fighting over the issues, it is better to sit and talk about them openly. And be willing to make compromises to agree on the terms of getting a divorce. But only on those terms on which you genuinely agree.
  • Make your case uncontested and use the online platform to get the divorce. This process is way more convenient, faster, and cheaper as compared to other traditional process. Just make sure to rely on an authentic and reputed online platform, like OnlineDivorce.com.
  • Hire an experienced lawyer to know the other ways to get a divorce in the fastest way possible if your case is contested or complex.