Couple Relationship

8 common relationship myths

relationship myths

There are lots of relationship statements, which you have heard and talked about regularly. From which some are facts while others are just misconceptions. But if you keep believing those relationship myths, it gets difficult for you to build and maintain a healthy relationship.

There are lots of relationship statements, which you have heard and talked about regularly. From which some are facts while others are just misconceptions. But if you keep believing those relationship myths, it gets difficult for you to build and maintain a healthy relationship.

What are the most common relationship myths?

It’s suggested to have a reality check of relationship statements so that you know what to expect and what not to from a relationship. For this, you should know about relationship myths and facts. There are many relationship myths, but in this article we’re going to discuss only some of the most common ones.

Let’s debunk some most common relationship myths that you should know about are listed below:

MYTH 1: Disagreements and fights are destroying your relationship.

This is nothing but one of the most common relationship myths. Honestly speaking, disagreements, fights, and conflicts are also part of the relationship. These things help improve and grow your relationship, making it even stronger. What matters most is how you deal with these issues, and that is going to impact the state of your relationship.

As it’s completely normal to have conflicts and disagreements in a relationship, you should talk about those issues with your partner and look for effective ways to handle relationship issues.

Myth 2: Similar interests means you’re soulmates.

You may have heard so many times that if you have similar interests, that means you are made for each other. While some also say that opposites attract, i.e., that you make a perfect couple with someone completely opposite to you, these types of notions or relationship myths keep going and going. So just stop believing them and try to build good traits (like love, care, understanding, open communication, respect, etc.) into your relationship to keep it healthy and happy.

MYTH 3: Being in love means knowing everything about your partner.

Many romantic movies and TV shows spread hype, which is what this statement is. But let’s just talk about the real world, i.e., if you can’t share, nobody knows what’s going on in your mind or how you feel. So share and talk with your partner about your feelings, wishes, goals, and desires.

With proper and open conversation, you get to know each other well, and that also helps grow love, care, and understanding in your relationship. So instead of believing those relationship myths, you should adapt the basic traits of a healthy relationship to stay happy.

MYTH 4: A happy relationship is always happy.

A happy and healthy relationship doesn’t mean that you stay happy all the time. This is nothing but one of the most common relationship myths. As life is all about ups and downs, love and fight, agreement and disagreement, so a healthy and happy relationship means how well you deal with all the good and bad situations that come into your life.

This is all about how you support each other, how to resolve issues, how to maintain the spark and happiness in your relationship, and much more. So better keep these myths out of your mind and have a reality check on the meaning of a happy relationship.

MYTH 5: Judging a relationship based on sexual frequency.

Let’s debunk this myth. You literally can’t judge any relationship based on any one particular thing, including sex frequency (i.e., how often you guys have sex on a weekly or monthly basis). That’s true—intimacy somehow helps to bind your relationship and make it stronger. But you can’t judge your relationship just based on that. It’s even more than that.

The main thing is how you feel in a relationship. Do you feel loved? Do you feel valued? Are you happy? etc. There are so many factors that work together to make your relationship good enough to enjoy.

MYTH 6: Do not sleep or leave unless your conflict is resolved.

It’s very important to clear up this misconception. When both of you are angry and fighting, it’s okay to walk off or go to sleep to calm your mind. Because at that moment in time, one single word can make that fight even worse, or no one is in the state of mind to understand each other.

So if you want to get calm before resolving the issue, that’s even better. But it doesn’t mean that you walk off to avoid facing the problems and don’t resolve them even afterward. Once you calm down, you should try to resolve it as soon as possible.

MYTH 7: Some couples have perfect compatibility.

You may have seen some couples that just look perfect in all aspects. And many people think that they are so lucky. But this is not true, as it’s just one of the common relationship myths. Their nature, their love and care for their partner, the contribution and efforts they put in, sorting out their issues in private, etc. are some basic things they may have done to make their relationship healthy.

They look perfectly compatible because they may have talked about it and worked on their relationship. So with a better understanding and by putting in some effort, you too can improve the compatibility in your relationship.

MYTH 8: Relationship is about half-half contribution.

You may have heard a lot about half-and-half,” i.e., 50-50 contributions in a relationship. But have you ever thought, “Is love all about this specific numbering?”. If you think this way, then, my dear, you are wrong in this context. It’s about taking care of each other, like if one is not well and not able to do the dishes, then you go and help her. And similarly, if you are not well, she should go buy groceries.

It’s about appreciating, understanding, and taking care of each other in the best possible way. Love is far from this specific numbering. But definitely, you both need to contribute decently and give your best to keep your relationship healthy.

There are some other such relationship myths as well, which you may have heard. So before believing, you better get to know if that’s true or what the facts behind this are. It’s important to clear up those relationship myths because one wrong myth or notion can ruin your relationship. So make sure you are getting authentic information from authentic sources. Good luck!