Relationship Issues

7 consequences of an unhappy relationship

consequences of an unhappy relationship

To understand the consequences of an unhappy relationship in a better way, you should know a little bit about unhappy relationships, their signs, and their possible reasons. Moreover, this article also includes effective ways to deal with unhappiness in a relationship.

To understand the consequences of an unhappy relationship in a better way, you should know a little bit about unhappy relationships, their signs, and their possible reasons. Moreover, this article also includes effective ways to deal with unhappiness in a relationship. So scroll down and read the full article!

Consequences of an unhappy relationship

Before heading towards the consequences of an unhappy relationship, let’s get to know a little bit about an unhappy relationship.

Unhappy relationship:

Unhappiness in a relationship arises when you don’t get what you expect from your partner. And there is always a feeling of dissatisfaction. That needs to be taken seriously, or else it can badly affect your relationship in the long run. Sometimes it’s difficult to understand whether you’re unhappy in your relationship or if it’s just general unhappiness.

Let’s make it simpler, i.e., if you lose the spark in your partner and hardly share quality time with each other, then that invites unhappiness in a relationship. For this, you should talk with your partner. Because there are many consequences of an unhappy relationship that could even deteriorate your overall health.

Signs of an unhappy relationship

Following are some signs that indicate an unhappy relationship:

  • Loss of both physical and emotional connectivity.
  • You feel the loss of concern and care for each other.
  • You start to feel lonely.
  • You’re not enjoying your “we” time.
  • You end up having more fights and arguments.
  • You may start getting the feeling of separation or divorce.
  • Feeling neglected or taken for granted by your partner, and many more.

If you experience any signs of unhappiness in a relationship, you should consider them seriously because there are major consequences of an unhappy relationship.

Possible reasons for relationship unhappiness:

Before knowing the consequences of an unhappy relationship, let’s know the possible reasons for an unhappy relationship. Knowing the cause makes it easier for you to resolve it.

Let’s look at some of the reasons that could create unhappiness in a relationship, which are listed below:

  • You are not compatible with your partner.
  • Because of some past experience.
  • You aren’t able to sort out the issue by just having a discussion about it.
  • You’re not understanding each other’s point of view.
  • You guys have lost value and respect for each other.
  • Lack of communication and understanding in a relationship.
  • Your partner and relationship are no longer on your (or your partner’s) priority list.
  • Have a very busy schedule and are unable to balance work and life.
  • Sexual fantasies and desires are not met.
  • Any one of you loves someone else.
  • Loss of excitement and spark in a relationship as boredom enters, etc.

What are the consequences of an unhappy relationship?

No matter how stuck you get in life and situations, if you are happy in your relationship, you’ll deal with that phase easily with the support of your partner. But if your relationship is not on good terms, all other things get messy and affected, as your partner’s support is missing. So, unhappiness in a relationship proves bad for your health as well as for your relationship in many ways (this is what you’ll learn from the list of 7 consequences of an unhappy relationship).

The following list includes 7 consequences of an unhappy relationship:


Unhappiness in a relationship keeps you sad and stressed most of the time, and even you get easily angry and outburst over little things. The unhappiness in a relationship raises the risk of anxiety, fear, depression, low self-esteem, and even loneliness, all of which have a significant impact on your overall mental health, including mood, behavior, and focus.

This is one of the major consequences of an unhappy relationship, which you should not be lenient with. So it’s really important to resolve the issue on time or end this relationship if there is no scope for improvement.


Being unhappy in a relationship leads to more stress and anger, which can lead to a number of health problems. This increases the risk of having diabetes, high blood pressure, heart issues, hormonal imbalances, insomnia, and many more conditions. See how badly that one problem has an impact on your mental as well as physical health. This simply means the consequences of an unhappy relationship need to be taken seriously and resolved on time.


One of the major consequences of an unhappy relationship is the loss of connectivity, making it difficult for you to connect on a physical as well as emotional level. And without connectivity, there is nothing left in a relationship, right? Having less sex and feeling less comfortable around your partner can even create more distance between you and your partner.

As a result, you may feel more suffocated in such a relationship. If your core values are not strong, you’ll not be able to maintain a healthy relationship.


An unhappy relationship makes you feel less interested in your partner, i.e., you tend to care less about your partner, have no interest in what’s going on in your partner’s life, don’t bother if they tend to spend less time with you, and even lose interest in efforts to make it work for you. If all these things are missing from your relationship, then the future of your relationship doesn’t look bright.

And that loss of interest towards each other can also give rise to feelings and interests for someone else, which proves drastic for your relationship. So just be careful during the possible initial phase.


If you are not happy about your relationship, you end up having more arguments, fights, and conflicts with your partner. And if those arguments don’t get resolved on time, they get bigger and bigger. That blaming, shouting, taunting, and disrespecting each other can take your relationship to the dark side, and then, it gets difficult for you to fade away the scars of these harsh words. And you end up getting more hurt and feeling bad about your relationship.

As a result, you guys automatically start drifting apart from each other. This is one of the major consequences of an unhappy relationship.


Unhappiness in a relationship means you are less likely to open up, spend time, and share your feelings with your partner because you assume that your partner will not be able to understand or that they are no longer interested in you. These assumptions can sometimes prove false and ruin your relationship for no reason.

So it’s better to at least talk about it, even just to know what’s on your partner’s mind. Moreover, a lack of conversation can evolve various other misunderstandings in a relationship, and that makes it even more difficult for you to connect, which can deteriorate your relationship.


An unhappy relationship means you’re not satisfied with what you get in your relationship, and you’re suppressing the desires and needs that you expect and deserve from it. And this could be the source of your constant rage and frustration. With that frustration, you start having even more issues and fears in the relationship.

If you remain unsatisfied and disappointed with your partner all the time, then you’re not able to love, care for, and understand your partner. As a result, you end up having more frustration and anger in your relationship. Such consequences of an unhappy relationship need to be considered seriously.

Considering the above points, it’s clear that you should take into account the consequences of an unhappy relationship and start looking for ways to deal with relationship unhappiness.

Ways to deal with unhappiness in a relationship

Well, many reasons could make you feel unhappy about your relationship, but that needs to be sorted out on time before it gets on the toxic side and becomes miserable. After understanding the consequences of an unhappy relationship, you need to find out the ways to handle that relationship unhappiness.

So let’s look at some basic and effective ways to deal with unhappiness in a relationship, which are as follows:


First of all, just figure out what makes you feel unhappy about your relationship, i.e., if your partner is not treating you right, if your physical or intimate desires are not met, if they take you for granted, if they don’t understand and support you, if they don’t give you time, if they have trust issues with you because of some experience, if your partner cheated on you, if they don’t respect you, and many more.

Just ask yourself a few questions to discover the root of your unhappiness in a relationship so that you can minimize the consequences of an unhappy relationship. Don’t worry; take your time to have clarity about your feelings and thoughts.


After you know the cause of your unhappiness in a relationship, think about whether it’s worth solving the issue or not. If the issue is so big that you can’t tolerate it anymore (like physical abuse, cheating, etc.), then you should end this relationship without any delay.

But if you think that your efforts, time, and energy are worth putting into a relationship, then go ahead and discuss it with your partner. Because by resolving the major issue, there was no room for the consequences of an unhappy relationship. So resolve your issues on time to stay together happily.


Now take the next step to get over the consequences of an unhappy relationship, i.e., talk about it with your partner. You can never find the solution to your problem without sharing it with your partner. Don’t hesitate and be silent to let your partner understand your position. Simply express and share what you feel and think, but in a polite way. Instead of suppressing or hiding your feelings, you should talk about them openly in a discussion.

Because the more you share and discuss it, the better you understand each other’s points of view and the easier you can resolve your issues. Good and open communication can help resolve even the biggest relationship issues, so go ahead.


If you are putting together efforts to resolve any of the relationship issues, you are more likely to see a change or improvement in your relationship. Just make sure to be on the same side and let the problem be on the other side, which is one of the most effective ways to resolve any relationship issue. That one step keeps aside all the consequences of an unhappy relationship.

Just focus on finding a solution to your relationship issue instead of wasting your energy on blaming or fighting with your partner. So by changing your way of handling the issue, you can deal with the unhappiness in a relationship.


If you have tried your best on your end but still cannot find a solution to your issue, you can also get the help of a professional, i.e., go for a couple counseling sessions. They help you figure out the main cause of the unhappiness in a relationship, the appropriate way to handle the issue, and how to make your relationship stronger than before. Moreover, they also help minimize the consequences of an unhappy relationship.

Just make sure to choose a professional and experienced relationship advisor or counselor, as they can help you to a great extent to get back your happiness and satisfaction in your relationship. But your own time, effort, and intention matter the most.


If you don’t get any results (and there is no scope for improvement) even after putting lots of effort into making your relationship work for you, then you should end this relationship. Because there is no future in such a relationship. And it even gets too difficult to handle the consequences of an unhappy relationship.

I know it’s difficult to make such decisions. But believe me, it’s better for you in the long run because your whole life is at stake. Even though there are no legal formalities to break up as there are to get a divorce. Even these days, the divorce process has gotten easier, less time-consuming, and lower-cost, all thanks to online platforms like, which are authentic, reputed, and worth giving a chance.

Whether it’s a breakup or divorce, nothing is more painful and difficult than being in an unhappy and unsatisfying relationship. So, give it a thought!