Relationship Issues

12 common relationship problems

common relationship problems

This article explores some common relationship problems that most couples face, and by knowing them in advance, it gets easier for you to understand what exactly messes up your relationship with your partner.

Initially, being in a relationship seemed smooth and flawless. But with time, many issues come your way and can affect your bond with your partner. Relationships are easier to build than to maintain. So learn about some common relationship problems and ways to fix them. Because that’ll help save your relationship.

What are the most common relationship problems?

This article explores some common relationship problems that most couples face. And by knowing them in advance, it gets easier for you to understand what exactly messes up your relationship with your partner. Other than that, it also explores easy and effective ways to fix them. So let’s get to know about these issues and how to fix them:

12 Common relationship problems and ways to fix them

So, let’s get to know about these common relationship problems, which are listed below:


A busy schedule and different priorities can make you have less time for open conversation with your partner. And not talking to each other can lead to misunderstandings, jealousy, trust issues, fights, and other problems in the relationship. This can create emptiness in your relationship, thereby making it one of the most common relationship problems. And you started feeling alone, as your partner has no idea what’s going on in your life? How are you feeling? How was your day? etc.

Fix it: Please do realize the importance of having a good and open conversation with your partner for your relationship. No matter what the situation is, just talk about it with your partner, now and even in the future. For that, just schedule 10 minutes a day to talk about everything you feel and do. Make it a habit and see the change in your relationship.


This is another of the most common relationship problems. With time, almost all couples start taking their partners for granted, show no appreciation, and pay no attention to him or her. And thereby, they start spending less time together, putting less effort into each other, giving fewer gifts and surprises to each other, and many other things. When all these things start missing in your relationship, so do the spark and the value. And this is the main cause of your losing interest in your partner and your relationship.

Fix it: No matter how long you have been in a relationship with your partner, appreciation and attention can make them feel happy and good about their relationship. So simply value all the efforts and things your partner is doing to make you happy. Plan a dinner date, see a movie, or do other things you used to do to make your partner feel special and important in your life, even if only occasionally.


Sometimes, lack of communication, telling lies to your partner, making false promises, past experiences, and misunderstandings can create trust issues in a relationship. And without trust, there is nothing left in a relationship. If this issue is not resolved on time, it can create various other misunderstandings and issues in a relationship. And that also affects your closeness and bonding with your partner.

Fix it: As trust, loyalty, and honesty are the main characteristics of a healthy relationship, yours just can’t go very far without them. So whatever the matter is, just try to sort this out and work on it to build trust in your relationship. Just be responsible, have a heart-to-heart conversation, keep your promises, never lie, and spend more time together to understand each other, which helps overcome one of the most common relationship problems.


Here comes another one of the most common relationship problems that most couples face, i.e., financial distress, and that has a huge impact on their relationship. I know money is not everything but is needed the most. And most of the fights in a couple revolve around this topic. Less income, the habit of overspending, debt, and even bad money management are some reasons for having financial issues, and that also becomes the reason for most of the fights. So don’t be lenient towards this common relationship problems.

Fix it: A clear discussion of everything that is good in a relationship, even as it relates to money management and finances. So, just talk about it with your partner, make a plan for money management, save for emergencies to avoid debt, look at ways to increase your income, and find any other way to reduce financial distress. The more you are sorted about your finances, the more you stay relaxed, and you have fewer fights with your partner.


When you start living together, home responsibilities can take a lot of time and energy, especially if not managed properly. And that would be the cause of many fights and arguments between a couple, especially when both are working. And if this issue gets neglected, it keeps on creating more frustration and conflicts in a relationship. So, this needs to be talked about.

Fix it: Just as both are responsible for money management, both are responsible for household chores. So talk about it with your partner, say it clearly, and better divide your duties, i.e., who should do what and in what manner. And even say clearly when you need the help of your partner. Guess what? As you finished home chores easily with each other’s help, you had more time to spend together, to talk, to cuddle, and to go out.


There are many sex-related issues that many couples are facing these days. This can majorly affect your bond and relationship with your partner because everyone’s sexual desires and needs are different. If you haven’t talked about it with your partner, it can create frustration and differences in a relationship.

Fix it: First, think about what you want and expect from your partner, then have an open conversation on this topic. By having a better understanding of what you and your partner need, it becomes easier for you to sort out this issue. Sexual satisfaction works well to increase your closeness and bond with your partner. Even try some different poses to spice up your intimate moments.


Being in a relationship for so long and following the same routine can create boredom or a loss of interest, which is one of the most common relationship problems. This makes both partners feel less spark and excitement in a relationship, and they even start putting less effort into it. Well, if not considered in time, it could be the reason for drifting apart and feeling attracted to someone else. So do consider this issue seriously.

Fix it: Try to remember how fun-loving and excited you felt earlier when you guys were together. So what happened? And why do you let stress, finances, responsibilities, job issues, and any other issue diminish the spark and the romance in your relationship? Come on! Get up and do something exciting by holding off on your responsibilities for a while. So talk about it and make efforts together.


Parenting is a huge responsibility from the day you conceive to almost forever, either one way or the other. After the baby is born, most couples get busy taking care of and growing their child. They just forget and hardly take time for their relationship, which is actually one of the major and common relationship problems. Because their privacy, sexual relationship, communication, and interest in each other suffer.

Fix it: As this is the most important aspect of your life, so plan for it as well. Just don’t let anything affect your “we” time. Simply put your efforts together and find out the best way to share your feelings by going out to dinner, cuddling, and staying close to each other. Undoubtedly, because you have kids now, you’ll get less time than before, but even a little is more if you guys make it work for you.


In general, couples expect too much from each other, knowingly or unknowingly. While some are practical and others are impractical. Like: expecting your partner to know what’s going on in your mind or what you want, even without discussing or sharing it with them. Doesn’t that sound impractical or illogical? But that does create disappointment and various other issues in a relationship, even if you don’t realize it.

Fix it: When it comes to your relationship, you need to come out of your dreamy world and be practical. If you want and expect something from your partner, just talk about it openly and in detail. The more you share and communicate, the more you guys know each other’s choices, wishes, and dreams. So better talk about it and then expect.


As you all know, arguments, fights, and conflicts are also part of a healthy relationship if they occur occasionally. But if you have arguments and fights regularly, or whenever you are going to talk with each other, then that becomes the main issue to be resolved soon, or else it’ll create differences between you and your partner. And the harsh words you may have used during arguments can even break your relationship.

Fix it: First of all, just make a rule of not using bad or harsh words while having arguments. If any of the partners have some issue, instead of shouting or getting angry, sit and talk about it with your partner. And then it’s also the responsibility of the other partner to know their partner’s point of view. You can easily resolve this issue by having good communication and understanding each other.


You may have a lot of responsibilities, stress, professional issues, financial issues, health issues, and much more in your life. And that can sometimes drive you apart from each other, as you hardly give proper time and effort towards your relationship. This can further cause a loss of spark and interest in your relationship, and you are just going like this without even realizing it. Moreover, you may prefer to spend more time alone than together.

Fix it: This is the major and one of the common relationship problems to consider. I know spending time alone or staying busy with your job and responsibilities is good. But you need to set some limits for that. Discuss it with your partner, do some fun things together, try to know each other’s new thoughts and goals in life, show appreciation, do things to keep the romance alive in your relationship, and maintain a balance between your personal and professional lives.


Apologizing and making the same mistake again is more often seen between many couples. And this can mess up your relationship in the long run. You start having more conflicts, less communication, and even start losing value and respect towards your partner. The false promises made by your partner can make you feel insecure and doubtful regarding the future of your relationship.

Fix it: Remember that accepting and apologizing for one’s mistake means not repeating it. But if any one of you repeats it again and again, you guys need to talk about it. Just be very particular about your words and promises, and make sure you mean them. If you care about your relationship, you better change your attitude about neglecting things. And show a full dedication to keeping your promises. This tip helps increase love, care, and concern for each other and maintain a healthy relationship.

Apart from these common relationship problems, there are some others as well, like possessiveness, jealousy, infidelity, different life goals, and many more. You just need to figure out which one of these common relationship problems comes your way and affects your relationship. And then talk about it to fix those problems.

Just figure it out and fix it as early as possible, until it gets too big. For that, both you and your partner need to put forth effort to overcome these common relationship problems and make your relationship stronger and healthier.